1. 每年4到9月為腸病毒流行的高峰期,因應開學後可能發生新一波疫情,教育部與衛生署疾病管制局共同製作「校園防疫手則」及「給家長的一封信」,提供國小及幼稚園師生、家長各項腸病毒防治方法,並提醒家長如果學童生病,應該就醫並在家休息,落實「生病不上課」原則,可以有效控制腸病毒疫情。

April to September is a busy season for enterovirus every year. Responding to the epidemic which may occur after school opens, the Ministry of Education, Department of Health and Center for Disease Control make a handbook and letter for parents to provide students, teachers and parents of elementary schools and kindergartens kinds of measures about how to prevent and cure enterovirus. Besides, to control the epidemic, they remind parents of taking their children to seek medical service or staying at home to fit in with the regulation that taking a sick leave when being infected.

2. 教育部公布「99年師資培育統計年報」,結果發現99年正式編制教師有8萬6千多人,代理代課老師有1萬5千多人,儲備師資有6萬多人,任教率62.9%,比上年度增加0.33%,另外,已經任教或有工作的師資人員就業率,也增加為88.31%,比上年度85.7%成長2.61%。

Ministry of Education announces the annual report of statistics about teachers’ cultivating programs in 2011 which finds that around eighty-six thousand people are formally qualified as full-time teachers in 2010; fifteen or so of people are qualified as substitute teachers , and about sixty thousands of people are qualified as reserved ones. The teaching rate has reached sixty-two point nine percent which is zero point thirty-three percent increased. Additionally, the employment rate for the teachers who are taking charge of teaching positions has reached eighty-eight point thirty one percent which has two point sixty-one percent increased.

3. 國家圖書館捐贈臺灣優良兒童讀物,總共263冊給俄羅斯國家兒童圖書館,內容包括:歷史、鄉土、美術、藝文、民間故事、風俗、自然、以及童玩等;贈書後兩館簽署館際合作協議,加強雙邊交流合作,也希望透過這次的贈書活動,讓俄羅斯的小小讀者更瞭解臺灣的社會背景、歷史源流及民間習俗。

National Central Library donates two hundred sixty-three Taiwanese good books for children to Russian State Children Library including history, local topics, arts, culture, folk tale, customs, nature and traditional toys of Taiwanese culture. After the donation, both libraries have signed contract for future cooperation and communication. They hope the little readers in Russia to realize the social background, historic origin and folk customs of Taiwan by holding this donation.

4. 勞委會昨天(31)舉行第七屆國家人力創新獎頒獎典禮,勞委會主委王如玄除了肯定得獎企業對於勞工人才培訓所做的努力,也期盼民間企業能夠與勞委會共同努力,讓勞工擁有更多技能,來面對全球化的人才競爭挑戰。

Council for Labor Affairs held the awarding ceremony for the 7th National Labor Creativity Award yesterday. The chairmen of the council 王如玄 approved the great efforts of holding labors’ trainings taken by the enterprises. With the cooperation of Council for Labor Affairs, non-governmental enterprises are expected to striving for making more labors own more skills for confronting the challenges with the talents around the world.


To promote general education for national defense, a prized-quiz on national defense will take place from September 7th and will last for one month. Taking “the report of national defense in 2011,” “General National Defense Law,” and “General Defense Mobilization Preparation Law” as main contents, some important policies relating to national defense will be included in the tests. People who are interested in the activity can go into the prized-quiz by visiting the websites of Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Education and Ministry of the Interior.


New Zealand Press Association which has a long history of one hundred and thirty-one years will announce itself bankrupt because of more disinvestment and less customers in recent years. It is established in 1880 by the investment of two Australian mass media. During its full bloom period, their reporters in Australia, Asia, and Europe and America are responsible for the news of seventy-four newspaper offices. However, the recession of print media leads to the disinvestment of the main shareholders in Australia, which let New Zealand Press Association stop working.

(2011-09-01 09:21:07 洪秋玉)

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